092208shmira.jpgThe NYPD is stepping into a long-running feud between two rival Orthodox Jewish patrol groups in Crown Heights in order to unite them into a single police-supervised unit. Shmira and Shomrim are two bitterly-divided private crime-patrol organizations that split in the late ’90s. (Here’s one explanation of their complicated rivalry.) In an exclusive titled, “Jew Guys Need to Talk,” the Post reports that Shmira has agreed to the merger, but Shomrim refuses to sit down with Shmira, who they accuse of slashing patrol-car tires, making prank emergency calls and falsely informing on Shomrim to the police. Yossi Stern, director of Shmira, denies the allegations: “It’s all a bunch of rhetoric. Show me a police report. We’re not out to harass anybody. We’re out to do a service for the community.” You’ll recall that members of Shmira were suspected of beating a 20-year-old black man, Andrew Charles, in Crown Heights last April.

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