WILLISTON, NORTH DAKOTA- On March 22, 2022, Jessica Burling’s children (age 12 and 14) arrived home from school. Their dog, Luna, a totally non-aggressive sweetheart chased them outside and was doing zoomies. Luna was a little too excited, running around the neighborhood, and the children chased her and brought her back indoors.
However, a neighbor had already called police and claimed that a “Pit Bull was chasing children”. Their mother, Jessica Burling, was arrested just an hour later. The dog Luna was impounded. It has been 42 days that she has been sitting at Animal Control in a kennel based off nothing besides her phsyical appearance.
Since 1987, Williston, North Dakota has had unfair and ridiculous BSL (Breed-Specific-Legislation) laws. BSL stereotypes dogs based on their appearance. It doesn’t take aggressiveness into account. They deem a dog dangerous or vicious for merely looking a certain way.
Animal Control visited Jessica Burling’s home while she was at work and her children would not let the officers inside. However they were able to see Luna indoors and immediately decided that the dog fit the category of an aggressive and vicious dog. They called Jessica Burling who said she would meet them with the dog when she was off work. When Jessica arrived home, she put her dog in the car along with her daughter, so she could drop her daughter at dance practice and call to meet the Animal Control officers.
Little did she know that animal control was watching her outside her home. They claimed she was attempting to flee with the dog. Jessica Burling was arrested based off Statute 4-89 AKA: “Pit Bull in the city limits.”
Animal control officers wanted her changed with tampering of evidence as well, but the officer ended up not citing her for that.
42 days, and Luna is still locked away for looking a certain way. Nothing to do with aggressive behavior or attacks, her crime is merely her physical appearance.