Select BSSP Boro Park Shomrim members: pose with former NYPD 66th precinct commanding officer, Deputy Inspector John Sprague. Top row (left to right): Official from DA’s office, Ari Weiss Unit-93, Moses “Moshe” Reichberg Unit-23, Pinny Ringel Unit-60, Joel Klein Unit-37, FSSP Flabush Shomrim Coordinator Chaim Deutsch Unit-01, Abraham Motty “MNS” Brauner Unit-58,
former member Booky Tessler Unit-62, Coordinator Abe Kaztow Unit-65, Yunty Rosenberg Unit-72, Hershy Eichenstein Unit-44
Bottom row: Coordinator Sam Follman Unit-48 and Coordinator Jacob “Yanky” Daskal Unit-05



The Players in a High Stakes Game of Pseudo Law Enforcement, Borough Park Favoritism and Political Pandering

LostMessiah, April 19, 2016

We owe a lot to our contributors who provide us with information, stories and leads. Every once in a while there are those who provide us with information; and it is hard for us to tell where one story begins and another ends or where another begins and the second one ends. This is one such story.

New York City Hasidic community politics is very complicated. There are private/public community boards and then there are the volunteer Shomrim (protectors) and the paid police/fire/ambulance. The presence of the Shomrim requires the intricate cooperation of municipal organizations including the police, fire department and emergency services. The emergency services in many of these communities are privately owned, privately funded “charities.” In some cases, those so-called charities offer high paying salaries and preferential treatment.

The existence of the Shomrim alone is a source of financial necessity and, of course, the funds flowing into and out of each Shomrim organization can be boundless. It is not clear how it is actually calculated or accounted for, from where the funds are received and to where the funds are distributed. Articles on this topic are somewhat inconsistent as are, we guess, the funds themselves. We do know for certain that taxpayer funds are involved and may be extensive.

While some of the details of the Shomrim organizations may be sketchy, what is clear is that the power brokers within the ultra-Orthodox community whether within the seats they hold as publicly elected officials or within the vast network of Hasidic “charitable LLC’s” have largely unencumbered access to money, political clout, police protection, government advocacy, increased allocations of public assistance and the list goes on and on.

In our view, the players listed below, amongst a larger group, have created the structural framework for years of almost near lawlessness, the flow of endless sums of moneyzoning and rezoning, the boundless sustenance of a highly insular community and the flow of taxpayer money into the linings of very specific pockets.

Trying to unwind the fabric of those pockets of corrupt public officials and ultra-Orthodox/Orthodox businessmen is like trying to carefully untangle a spider web into silk thread, equally as sticky and perhaps equally as toxic. You never know when the wolf is going to be a spider or the spider a black widow nor do you know when it is going to attack.

With the arrest of Shaya “Alex” Lichtenstein, we would not have considered the Shomrim to be an access point for arms dealing, falsifying gun licenses and bribery and conspiracy related thereto. That possibility had not come across our desktops and we have debated all day whether we would have believed it if it had. Licthenstein and co. have been added as players in this game of scandal and corruption today.

In 2016 a high level probe into funds that were spent on banquets for New York City cops (McDonald Avenue) brought Community Board 12 (CB12) into the limelight. CB12 is the Community board out of Borough Park, Precinct 66. It was in that precinct that Hamlet Peralta owned a club, frequented by NYPD police officials. It may have been in that club that Hamlet Peralta conducted his businesses including a Ponzi Scheme in which Norman Seabrook invested $5M of Corrections Officers Benevolent Association funds. It was at about that time, that we were introduced to two people who have become synonymous with New York City shady wheeling and dealing. We will focus on one of those two, who we have referred to as “Player 1.”



Within the context of that probe, we were introduced to Jeremy Reichberg, who allegedly kept his nephew, Shlomo Reichberg from the long arm of the law with some of his connections within the Shomrim in Borough Park and other New York City officials, allegedly including police officers and potentially heads of law enforcement. The Daily News reported on April 10, 2016:

EXCLUSIVE: Jeremy Reichberg, Brooklyn bigwig in FBI corruption probe, allegedly used NYPD connections to help nephew escape assault charges

” It would seem that the Shomrim and CB12 have some incestuous relationships within both organizations. According to one article: ” His nephew, Shlomo Reichberg, was part of a gang of disassociated Hasidic teens called Grouplech, which means forks in Yiddish, community sources said. The Hasidic hooligans were involved in two reported violent attacks in 2012, according to the victims.”

Jeremy Reichberg (along with Jona Rechnitz) may very well be guilty of fraud, money laundering, bribery and trading contributions-for-favors in high level political arenas. With regard to this story Reichberg and his connections within the Hassidic community of Borough Park, direct much of the activity within and without that community and may have farther reach, woven within greater NY politics.



Pinny Ringel has been mentioned before in connection to the McDonald Avenue banquet. But his close ties to Assemblyman Dov Hikind and Mayor de Blasio should not be overlooked. While arguably he is, after all, the liaison between Mayor de Blasio and the ultra-Orthodox community, he is also the Twitter Account feeder for Community Board 12. While his own personal Twitter feed has been on again, off again recently, the fact that he is the public source of information gives him significant power. He can censure, censor and edit the information in and out of the community at will; and this is part and parcel to the reasons why his importance to all of the players in the Manhattan Borough Park community should not be dismissed.

Pinny Ringel, however, is no stranger to controversy. In November of 2012 it was reported that:

BSSP Boro Park Shormim member Pinny Ringel Unit-60 allegedly IMPERSONATES the NYPD!!!

“Pinny Ringel, a longtime member of BSSP Boro Park Shomrim is the former owner of Hi-Tech 2000, a cellphone store on 13th Avenue in Boro Park. He has also worked for over a decade in Brooklyn politics. Ringel entered the political arena in 2002 as a community liaison for then-NYC Councilman Simcha Felder. He maintained that position until Felder resigned from the city council in 2010. Ringel has also worked for Mayor Bloomberg’s two re-election campaigns. Following Simcha Felder’s resignation from the city council, Ringel found a job in NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio’s office as a community liaison.”
In 2014, the same Pinny Ringel, who had impersonated a member of the Shomrim, was appointed by Mayor de Blasio as “Senior Leader to the Jewish Community“. We guess that integrity was not one of the qualifications for the job.

Player Number 3 – MOSHE WIEDER


Moshe Wieder may have been able to set his seat at the first player position. He is, like may others mentioned in and out of the potentially shady land of Hasidic business, a “philanthropist.” He seems to work and not work, as detailed in articles below. Regardless of whether or not he actually does work the alleged 70-hour days, he has somehow managed to amass a fortune including a $500K + salary from 2 charities that take in millions in contributions. Mr. Wieder is also first Vice Chairman of Community Board 12 (which if you will recall, hosted the banquet on March 21st).

See below for a historical context and more information.

Player Number 4 – DAVID GREENFIELD

David Greenfield’s place in the political structure of New York Hasidic communities begs no real introduction. His power and influence are obvious from the description available on New York City’s own website:

“David G. Greenfield was elected to the New York City Council in a special election on March 23, 2010 and overwhelmingly reelected in November 2012 and November 2013. In all three races, he won a majority of votes in each neighborhood of the 44th council district including Midwood, Borough Park and Bensonhurst.

David chairs the Council’s influential Committee on Land Use which oversees the Department of City Planning, the Landmarks Preservation Commission and the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. As part of its portfolio, the committee reviews and must approve all applications for zoning changes across New York’s five boroughs. As Land Use chair, David oversaw the rezoning of the Domino Sugar factory in Brooklyn, Astoria Cove in Queens and One Vanderbilt in Manhattan — a historic deal which included $230 million in transportation improvements by the developer to Grand Central Terminal. David also serves as a member of the Speaker’s leadership team and the Council’s budget negotiating team, which is responsible for negotiating New York City’s $78.5 billion budget with the Mayor’s office.”

Player Number 5 – BARRY SPITZER (a/k/a Berri Spitzer)


Barry Spitzer is the District Manager of Community Board 12, elected in 2012 (first Hasidic ever elected, etcetera, etcetera). There are a few of those descriptions in various news articles. He is the person who apparently writes the Checks for events bought and paid for by Community Board 12. His access to cash appears unfettered and if at least a portion of the various news articles are correct, his financial wheeling and dealing largely goes unchecked.

It was in 2014 that Community Board 12 hosted a banquet in honor of police of Brooklyn’s 66th Precinct. It was an elaborate, event that was nothing short of fine dining. The tremendous, buffet could have served almost 400 people.

The event was catered by Basset Caterers on Avenue X and was held at a location on Mc Donald Avenue in Midwood, Brooklyn. It cost close to $3,000 of taxpayer’s money.

A previous member of the board, Aaron Tyk, told the FBI that the expense of the event did not get approval from the board and it was kept a secret by District Manager, Barry Spitzer.

Tyk wrote to the Department of Investigation and the Controller’s office stating that he was unjustly removed from the board as a result of talking about the feast. A lawsuit based on the allegations has been dismissed.

“Something like this, a private party, is unprecedented and problematic,” Tyk said.

Spitzer, the board’s district manager, said the party was properly paid for and held on June 11, 2014, to honor the precinct’s cops on Medal Day, as well as other public workers.

See additional information below.

Player Number 6 – R’ YIDEL PERSTEIN (a/k/a Yidel Perlstein)

R’ Yidel Perlstein like other “first Hasidic ever” who in 2012 ran to be the first ever Hasidic Chair of Community Board 12. It was Yidel Perlstein who recommended Barry Spitzer for his position. Most of the information on Perlstein is available below and more will be posted later.


Player Number 7 – YANKY DASKAL


By all accounts, Yanky Daskal has a well established relationship with Assemblyman Dov Hikind. He is also a notorious bully, repeated throughout nearly every article except for those referring to him as a “philanthropist.” This reputation dates back many years. In 2012 in a blog entitled Boro Park Shomrim Exposed, “Does BSSP Boro Park Shomrim Coordinator Jacob “Yanky” Daskal bully his way into getting free food? Part I

it was reported that:

“Sources inside BSSP Boro Park Shomrim tell us that Coordinator Jacob “Yanky” Daskal is allegedly notorious for bullying his way into receiving free goods from neighborhood businesses. Sources tell us that he allegedly does this in two manners. First, Jacob “Yanky” Daskal repeatedly returns to businesses that once called Shomrim to resolve an incident – sometimes as far as a decade back – and reminds them that Shomrim assisted them and then demands free goods. He’s allegedly known for doing this at Dagan Pizza on 16th Avenue and 49th Street amongst other places. Members inside Shomrim complain that Daskal gives them a bad name for this habit and have pleaded with the other coordinators to stop him. He allegedly continues to do so without shame, and allegedly exploits businesses that once needed Shomrim’s help.”

“His second tactic is to allegedly demand free goods and services from his own members’ shops. During the time that Shomrim member and search director Avigdor Brief Unit-63 owned his struggling restaurant, Glatt Diner, on New Utrecht Avenue and 56th Street, Daskal allegedly ate without paying his bill. Allegedly, he would also demand food to bring home. When Brief would allegedly ask Daskal to pay – albeit at a discounted rate – Daskal allegedly reminded him that he is “the only coordinator which matters” and can dismiss him at will. Brief then had to allegedly continue providing him free services in order to remain a member.”

Player Number 8 – Detective Mike Milici


Detective Milici has been involved with the Hasidic community for a number of years. He is referred to in articles as a “long time community affairs detective.” The Forward referred to him as “a longtime Boro Park fixture. While commanding officers of the 66th Precinct are rotated in and out, Milici has been working in the neighborhood for decades.” Over the last several weeks his name has hit the headlines a number of times. However, we are focused on his relationship to Reichberg, primarily has it affected his nephew, Moshe Reichberg.   T.O.T. Newsroom reported:

A Borough Park couple claims cops threatened to arrest them if they continued to make noise complaints against their neighbor whose brother’s close ties to the NYPD are now being probed by the FBI.
The dispute started last summer after Mordechai Reichberg and his family, who live on the top floor, began to make a lot of noise, according to the pair, who asked to remain anonymous.
The husband says he texted Reichberg whose brother Jeremy is being probed by the feds – and asked him to keep it down.
Shortly afterwards, two cops from the 66th Precinct station house came to their door, the couple said.
To their surprise, the officers threatened to arrest them if they didn’t stop “threatening” their neighbor.
“They showed up for nothing,” the wife recalled. “They were intimidating us for no reason.”
The couple was so upset and taken aback they actually went down to the precinct to complain about the officers. But officers there said there was no record of a visit, the pair claims.
The noise allegedly continued.
About two months ago, the couple once again asked the Reichbergs to try to be more considerate, to no avail.
Those personal complaints led to two more unannounced visits from the NYPD, according to the downstairs pair, who never filed a formal 311 complaint or grievance with the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau.
The NYPD says it has visited the location six times since 2015. But those visits were tied to complaints about illegal parking on a burglary alarm that went off.
On Monday night, asked about the dispute, a woman who identified herself as Mordechai Reichberg’s wife said her husband wasn’t home, adding, “I will not comment on that.”
A neighbor who lives next door from the feuding neighbors corroborated the complaints against the Reichbergs.
“Everyone is aware about what’s going on,” the man said about the noise making. “He’s my neighbor and I have to live with him.”
By all accounts, Jeremy Reichberg had close ties to officers in the precinct and frequently bragged about his connections.
Last week, Michael Milici, a longtime community affairs detective in the precinct, was placed on restricted detail after he refused to answer questions from a grand jury, sources said.

On April 5, 2016, it was reported by the New York Daily News that:

An [sic] NYPD officer tangled in the snare of a federal probe has been put on modified duty and stripped of his badge and gun, the Daily News has learned.

Michael Milici, a longtime community affairs detective in the 66th Precinct, was placed on restricted detail after he refused to answer questions from a grand jury, sources said Monday.

The trouble began when the feds launched a financial fraud inquiry within the NYPD. It grew out of an earlier probe by the FBI and the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office that involved fraud and possible money laundering, sources said.

Player Number 9 – Shaya “Alex” Lichtenstein (Late Addition)


Shaya “Alex” Lichtenstein has been a member of the Brooklyn Shomrim. Apparently, he utilized his connections in that position to begin dealing in arms and licensing permits, which it would appear is quite lucrative. On April 16, 2016, he was arrested in his home in Pomona, New York after he was caught discussing just how lucrative the take could be with an undercover officer. He claims that he is no longer a member of the Shomrim and is out on $500K bail as of this afternoon. We find the brazenness of his crimes almost refreshing, for lack of a better word. We hope that the Court ordered that he turn in his multiple passports. We also think that his arrest is going to lead us in a different direction, another tangled mess. But, for now…

According to the leading article in the story of Lichtenstein’s arrest:

“He claimed all of his customers were eligible applicants and that he was merely asking the officers to speed up the process, the indictment shows.

But a review of his cases showed one applicant who was approved for gun permit in 2013 had a long criminal history, prosecutors said.

The unnamed full carry license holder had been arrested for forgery and was the subject of at least four domestic violence complaints, “including one in which he was accused of threating to kill someone,” the indictment said. The person also had 10 moving violations and three vehicle-related summonses.”

Lichtenstein made millions in this scheme and the police officers who were transferred immediately prior to Lichtenstein’s arraignment probably comprise only a tiny number of those involved in the scheme.

For additional information click here.


Historical Context and Controversy for the Players, dating back to 2011??

On September 25, 2011, Benjamin Lesser reported in The Daily News that Governor Cuomo was forming a task force to look into charities and their financial practices. It would seem that such a lofty goal was abandoned not long after it was reported on.

One of the people in that article whose businesses Governor Cuomo wanted to review was Moshe Wieder is First Vice Chairman of Community Board 12.

Charity bosses raking in money


Moshe Wieder
Moshe Wieder claims he works 70 hours a week to justify two salaries totaling $519,000 from two charities that receive millions of taxpayer dollars annually.
In 2009, Wieder claimed he worked 35 hours a week running Behavioral Health Services, a small mental health facility in Brooklyn that paid him $132,000.
At the same time, he also claimed to work 35 hours a week for the $387,000 he got from the Global Business Institute, a nonprofit trade school in the city, records show.
Both groups admit in 2009 tax forms their executive compensation is not reviewed by “independent persons,” nor do they use compensation data from comparable groups to set pay.
“That’s high-risk behavior,” said Owens, the ex-IRS official.
In the summer of 2009, Wieder’s son, David, began running the center. He was paid $143,000 in 2010, records show.
“I put more than 35 hours, I’m a workaholic,” Moshe Wieder told The News.
He said he’s not involved in discussions about his salary and that it’s reviewed by an accountant, and he defended hiring his son, saying he’s a lawyer.
“He’s extremely bright and has seen me run the operation,” he said.

New York Daily News, Charity Bosses Raking in Millions.


From KarmaBrooklyn Blog in 2010





5910 – 13 Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219

(718) 851-0800    FAX # (718) 851-4140      email:            

Marty Markowitz                  Alan J. Dubrow                   Wolf Sender
Borough President               Chairperson                     District Manager

Moshe Wieder, First Vice Chairman

Martin Katz, Second Vice Chairman
Roberta Feinstein, Secretary
Larry Jayson, Sergeant-At-Arms

July 8th, 2010
Please be advised that the next regularly scheduled meeting of Community Board 12 will be held on:


7 PM

5901 – 13TH AVENUE

AMICO SENIOR CENTER AVENUE (Entrance on 59th Street – 3rd Floor)



“Also, Councilman Greenfield was erroneously marked “present” as a Board Member, when he is now, in fact a New York City Councilman. With all corrections being duly noted, the minutes were unanimously approved. ”

Mr. Dubrow took this opportunity to welcome the new Board Members, and asked each to stand when called to allow fellow Board Members to become familiar with them. Following are names of newest Members: Yakov Abramou, Margaret Tobin, Anna Cali, Lili Marinelli, Mendel Reiner and Mendel Zilberberg.

Mr. Dubrow informed all that the office has sent out the committee preference list and information sheet; asking that all Board Members please return them to the office as soon as possible. New committees will be formed in September, so if preference sheets are not returned, members will be assigned to a committee.

Mr. Dubrow also reminded everyone that Tuesday, August 3rd is National Night Out Against Crime. The 66th Precinct, along with the 66th Precinct Community Council and Community Board 12 will host the event outside of the Precinct from 6 to 9PM. There will be all kinds of good food and activities for the kids. Flyers were left on the front table.”

Mr. Sender announced that awards were being given out for the outstanding work done by everyone involved in the Passover bread burning. He recognized that there were many people involved in keeping Boro Park a safe community throughout the year, there were not enough awards to be given to every single person. Mr. Sender stated that awards were being given to the leaders and coordinators of the teamwork; specifically the NYPD, FDNY, Sanitation, Parks Department, , Shomrim, Chaverim and Hatzolah and remarked on the hard work and wonderful effort made by all. Mr. Sender introduced Councilman Brad Lander and Councilman David Greenfield to join in presenting the awards. ”

“Chairman Dubrow called upon Councilman David Greenfield to say a few words.

Councilman Greenfield remarked that nights such as this make us realize what a unique community Boro Park is, to have everyone come together to do such a wonderful job; acknowledging each agency and volunteer group. He also welcomed the six new Board Members, being what he believes to be the largest new group in awhile. Councilman Greenfield congratulated this great group of people, recommended by Councilman Brad Lander and himself.

Councilman Greenfield also announced that it is budget season, with a deficit of 3.2 billion dollars, and that by New York City law, unlike New York State, the budget must be passed on time. He explained that Councilman Lander and he are working very hard and fighting for the issues that matter; specifically for senior centers, child care centers, and to recover the funding proposed to be eliminated for Priority 7 day care vouchers. Twelve thousand letters of support were delivered to the Mayor’s office during a rally held on the afternoon of this Board Meeting, when the Deputy Mayor was asked to restore these funds. Councilman Greenfield likened this uphill battle to the work of paramedics, in that once they see a patient, regardless of how bad it may look, they do whatever needs to be done to restore the patient to health. He stated that Councilman Lander and he will keep fighting and doing whatever they can to ensure the health of this community and its agencies.”

“Mr. Dubrow introduced Pinney Ringel, representing Public Advocate Bill de Blasio

Mr. Ringel advised all that the Public Advocate could not be there due to an emergency, but thanked Councilman Lander for his kind words. He went on to state that the Public Advocate is very happy about the Culver El progress, and wished all a happy summer.”

City Planning ULURP applications for Culver El properties.
C 100345 ZMK, etal – Culver El Rezoning – submitted by NY City Planning and HPD Approximate area: 36th to 39th Sts. And 12th to 14th Aves.

Cb 12 Chairman Alan Dubrow stated that he and Board Members Larry Jayson and Chaim Israel would have to recuse themselves from voting on this matter due to their involvement.

Yeruchim Silber stated that he was speaking on behalf of Variance Committee Chairman Peter Rebenwurzel, who was away. Mr. Silber said this is a very important rezoning project, being the largest seen in some time. The area is currently zoned for light manufacturing, and the surrounding areas for medium density residential districts. With this proposal, part of the area would change to allow medium residential, part would go for commercial zoning, and the bulk of the property would change to a mixed usage of current light manufacturing as well as medium density residential. The purposes for the rezoning is to bring area buildings to scale, and to develop affordable housing on the site of the old Culver Elevated subway line. The Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the ULURP process. A public hearing will be held by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz on July 8th, 2010. Margaret Tobin questioned if this project includes green space. Discussion followed.”


SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2013

Yidel Perlstein, Community Board Member, exposes his family to the Gay Candidate for Mayor,Quinn

Quinn and Yidel Perlstein and Ezra Friedlander  (Lisker Rebbe’s Son)

Yidel Perlstein, first Chassidic Community Board 12 member, takes photo with the Gay Candidate Quinn.
Is this what Chassidism now endorse? And what about Ezra Friedlander, the son of the Lisker Rebbe, is this what we are going to do now? Expose our precious children to perversion?
They keep talking about Tznious ….but have no problem being friends with gay candidates…
What a bunch of hypocrites. Its all about the Almighty Dollar!
See United to save America

R’ Yidel Perlstein Running to Be First Ever Chasidic Community Board Chair in New York City

(Friday, March 23rd, 2012 02:57 PM)

“Brooklyn – Borough Park resident and businessman Yidel Perlstein, a respected local community leader and devoted father and husband, is running to be the first-ever Chasidic Chairman of Community Board 12. Mr. Perlstein’s landmark race has the support of Councilman David G. Greenfield and Assemblyman Dov Hikind. Mr. Perlstein has devoted countless hours of his time and many resources from his successful businesses towards improving the community. Mr. Perlstein, along with his supporters including Greenfield and Hikind, believe now is the time to bring fresh enthusiastic leadership to Community Board 12, which votes on its Chairman next week.
“Yidel has always been a trailblazer who is devoted to the community,” said Councilman Greenfield, who recalled first meeting Mr. Perlstein in his capacity as a board member of Yeshiva Gan Yisroel. “Yidel is a true leader who turned the Yeshiva around by doubling its enrollment and boosting its funding, and has helped countless of yidden in our community with the mitzah of pidyun shvuim. I am confident that Yidel will lead Community Board 12 with the same passion and commitment he has displayed in the many causes and organizations he’s involved with.”
“As Chairman, I want to make Community Board 12 a place where every household and resident feels comfortable in turning to us with any local problems or issues they may have and be confident that it will be resolved. I hope to empower the board to ensure that every member has a strong voice and the ability to make a positive contribution. I am honored by the trust and confidence that Councilman Greenfield and Assemblyman Hikind have shown in me, and will take this role very seriously if elected on Tuesday,” said Perlstein.
It’s rare to find a resident of Borough Park who hasn’t been touched in some way by Mr. Perlstein’s generosity. He was instrumental in planning the annual Lag B’omer parade, enjoyed by thousands of children and parents. Working closely with city agencies including the NYPD and Mayor’s Office, Mr. Perlstein used management skills and vision to quadruple the attendance and fun. For decades he has dedicated hours each year passing out food packages to those in need before Passover. As a Borough Park JCC board member, he was instrumental in organizing last year’s food handout in partnership with the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, providing much-needed meals to hundreds of families throughout the community.
Mr. Perlstein’s leadership experience is exemplified in his business. He’s a proven job creator who has dramatically expanded his truck leasing company since taking it over, growing it from just three trucks and one location to 300 trucks and several new locations within the borough, in turn providing many jobs for the community. Lastly, Mr. Perlstein’s is a true family man and Borough Park native. His extended family resides in Borough Park and hails from the neighborhoods served by Community Board 12. Most importantly, he is a devoted husband and father of four children.
Community Boards were established to give residents a greater and local voice in city government. Each board is comprised of up to 50 volunteer residents and is headed by a board-elected chair. Under the Chair’s leadership, the Board meets monthly to advise elected officials and government agencies on many matters that have a significant impact on local quality of life.
The members of Community Board 12, which represents over 200,000 residents of Borough Park, Dahill, Kensington and Midwood, will vote on Mr. Perlstein nomination for Chair at the next meeting, Tuesday March 27 at Amico Senior Center, located at 5901 13th Avenue, starting at 7 p.m. Because of the important role these communities play in city government for the communities of Brooklyn, the election of Mr. Perlstein would make history as the first Chasidic leader to guide this important city body. To help support the local community, community members are encouraged to attend Tuesday’s meeting and publicly support Mr. Perlstein’s candidacy.”


– See more at:



“Many BSSP Boro Park Shomrim members sport NYPD patches on their BSSP Shomrim jackets. Allegedly, Pinny Ringel is among them. They usually have an additional “volunteer” patch affixed right above the NYPD patch. The only volunteers authorized directly by the NYPD to wear NYPD patches are Auxiliary Police Officers, whose patches clearly state “AUXILIARY” above the regular NYPD patch. While Shomrim’s habit does not necessarily constitute police impersonation, it is alleged that at times they do indeed impersonate the NYPD. Today we’ll discuss an alleged attempt by BSSP Boro Park Shomrim member Pinny Ringel Unit-60 to impersonate the NYPD while campaigning for NYS Senator David Storobin.
BSSP Boro Park Shomrim member Nathan Abraham Schwartz Unit-89 
wearing BSSP Boro Park Shomrim jacket with NYPD patch.
Photo Credit: The Yeshiva World. All rights reserved to them.
BSSP Boro Park Shomrim coordinator Sam Follman Unit-48
and Moses “Moshe” Reichberg” Unit-23,
wearing BSSP Boro Park Shomrim jacket with NYPD patch.
With them is NYC Councilman David Greenfield and an FDNY official.
BSSP Boro Park Shomrim member Chaim Korbluh Unit-16
wearing BSSP Boro Park Shomrim jacket with NYPD patch.
Photo Credit: The Yeshiva World. All rights reserved to them.
BSSP Boro Park Shomrim member Nathan Abraham Schwartz Unit-89
wearing BSSP Boro Park Shomrim jacket with NYPD patch.
Photo Credit: The Yeshiva World. All rights reserved to them.
BSSP Boro Park Shomrim member Nathan Abraham Schwartz Unit-89, 
and coordinator Sam Follman Unit-48,
wearing BSSP Boro Park Shomrim jacket with NYPD patch.
With them is buff Baruch “Booky” Kaluszyner wearing a Lakewood Shomrim Jacket.
Photo Credit: The Yeshiva World. All rights reserved to them.
When rumor had it that Felder was considering a bid for the newly formed NYS 17th senatorial district, Ringel allegedly approached Felder to get his old job back. Sources close to Felder allege that Felder asked Ringel to wait it out a bit, while he sized up the campaign. Allegedly, Ringel then immediately sought a gig with State Senator David Storobin’s campaign and was hired as his chief of staff.
Former NYC Councilman Simcha Felder 
sitting with BSSP Boro Park Shomrim member Pinny Ringel Unit-60.
Ringel is now Chief of Staff to his election opponent.
Felder is perhaps best known within the community for sponsoring the BSSP Boro Park Shomrim mobile command post. Sources inside the Felder campaign allege that State Senator David Storobin’s Chief of Staff and BSSP Boro Park Shomrim member Pinny Ringel allegedly approached Felder campaign workers handing out Felder campaign literature, allegedly flashed his Shomrim ID card while allegedly wearing his NYPD patched jacket, and allegedly threatened them stating that he’s an NYPD cop. While our sources are his competitor’s campaign, this incident has reportedly been caught on tape. Sources inside the Felder campaign promised to release it to us after the election. Stay tuned.
BSSP Boro Park Shomrim Mobile Command Post,
parked the wrong way on 13th Avenue, 
and Sponsored by then-NYC Councilman Simcha Felder.
Photo Credit: The Yeshiva World. All rights reserved to them.
We find it utterly surprising that Pinny Ringel would abandon the man that first got him started in politics. Furthermore, we find it appalling that Ringel would then work for his former mentor’s opponent. Finally, in a spirit that’s unique to Shomrim, Ringel is working against the councilman that sponsored the BSSP Boro Park Shomrim command post and that has been a strong financial supporter of Boro Park Shomrim. Have the BSSP Boro Park Shomrim coordinators lost control of their members? Why are they allowing Pinny Ringel to allegedly abuse his Shomrim paraphernalia in order to hurt their benefactor? “


See also:

BSSP Boro Park Shormim member Pinny Ringel Unit-60 allegedly IMPERSONATES the NYPD!!!

Yeshivah World News, NYC Mayor de Blasio Appoints Pinny Ringel As Senior Liaison To Jewish Community (Monday, September 29th, 2014 04:31 PM)  – See more at:

Pinny Ringer assaults cyclist:



In 2014 Barry Spitzer was elected to become Community Board 12 District Manager, as reported by Yeshiva World.

Barry Spitzer, a Borough Park resident and deputy chief of staff to Councilman David Greenfield (D-Brooklyn), was elected Tuesday evening as Community Board 12 district manager. Mr. Spitzer’s election is also considered a milestone, since he’s the first Hasidic Jew to serve as a district manager in the city of New York.

Chairman Yidel Perlstein recommended Mr. Spitzer as the board’s only candidate.

Mr. Spitzer, who has worked with Councilman Greenfield since he announced his run for council in 2010, was elected in an unanimous vote.

Outgoing district manager Wolf Sender was recently appointed by Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson as his Jewish liasion.

“Community Board 12 made an outstanding selection in Berri Spitzer as the next District Manager,” Councilman Greenfield told YWN. “Berri is one of the hardest working, most dedicated and sincerest people I know. I am confident that he will do great things for the community.”

Other candidates interviewed to fulfill the job of Sender, were Fred Kreizman and Aaron Tyk. Kreizman previously served as assistant Commissioner for Community Outreach in Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s administration. In the first five years of Bloomberg’s tenure as Mayor, Kreizman served both Brooklyn Director and Citywide Director of Community Outreach.

– See more at:

Additional Sources:

FBI investigation into NYPD corruption focuses on off-the-books banquet for Midwood cops, April 7, 2016

David G. Greenfield

  • District 44 – Council Member – Democrat
  • Chair on Land Use



October 23, 2012

BSSP Shomrim Coordinator/Police Liasion Jacob “Yanky” Daskal allegedly interrogated by NYPD in regards to assault!

“Jacob “Yanky” Daskal, coordinator and police liaison for BSSP Boro Park Shomrim is allegedly under NYPD investigation for a recent assault that took place inside the Sefardishe Shul in Boro Park. Daskal, who is the vice president of the shul insisted upon davening for the amud for mincha (leading the afternoon prayer services). A congregant objected to Daskal leading the service, and a shoving match ensued. During this petty shoving match, Daskal is alleged to have kicked the alleged victim in his groin area resulting in serious injury. The victim’s medical physician is alleged to have insisted upon a police report being made. The matter allegedly remains under police investigation. Rabbi Kaufman of the Sefardishe Shul is allegedly supporting the victim and has ordered the case before a Beis Din. “
