Lee Zeldin is running for Governor of NY and no one knows better than his constituents in CD-01 what a threat his election would be to the people in this state. Join us in letting all New Yorkers know his true character and why he’s unfit to serve. Here’s how:

1) Create a 1 minute testimonial on how Lee Zeldin’s policies and stances have negatively affected you, your friends, family, or community.

2) Post your testimonial to your social media! Make it public and add the hashtag #ZeldinWrong4NY to the description. This will allow all New Yorkers to follow the hashtag, see everyone’s testimonials, and learn the truth about Lee.

3) Check your facts. Make sure what you’re saying is truthful and genuine. Lee’s actions speak for themselves–we don’t need to be nasty or make things up to reveal who he really is.

4) Tag a friend or two, or even a group in your video, and ask them to record one. The more testimonials we post, the stronger our voices become.

5) Contact East End Action Network if you need help! You can email us at eastendactionnetwork@gmail.com.

6) Copy and paste these instructions into the description of your testimonial so the next person who makes one can utilize these guidelines. If you’re posting on Twitter, just use the first paragraph and include the hashtag #zeldinwrong4ny


