The district attorney for Brooklyn has never been a household name outside New York City, or even inside it. But partly because of the borough’s immense size — if it were a separate city, Brooklyn would be the fourth-largest in America — the person who holds the job can be hugely influential in setting the tone for prosecutorial practices nationwide.

For this reason, it’s critical that the post be occupied by someone with a deep awareness of the injustices and inequalities that are baked into the criminal justice system, and a commitment to reform the win-at-all-costs mind-set of too many prosecutors.

The last person elected to the post — Kenneth Thompson, in 2013 — had those qualities. After his upset victory over Charles Hynes, the longtime incumbent whose administration was mired in scandal and corruption, Mr. Thompson moved quickly to introduce big, overdue changes to the office’s functioning and priorities. He created a conviction-review unit that has exonerated 23 wrongfully convicted people and is a national model. He stopped prosecuting low-level marijuana offenses and began erasingthousands of open warrants for minor offenses.

Mr. Thompson’s unexpected death in October threw that work into doubt. The good news is that the field of candidates is broad, strong and focused on reform. The six people who face off in the Democratic primary on Sept. 12 (there are no Republicans running) have significant prosecutorial experience and smart, well-developed ideas for running the third-biggest prosecutor’s office in the nation.

Among them, Eric Gonzalez, the acting district attorney and Mr. Thompson’s former top deputy, stands out.

Mr. Gonzalez, 48, is a respected veteran of the Brooklyn office, which he joined in 1995 as an assistant prosecutor. After handling cases involving sex crimes and domestic violence, he moved into upper management in the final years of the Hynes administration. Mr. Thompson appointed him chief assistant district attorney in 2014, and Mr. Gonzalez took the lead in implementing Mr. Thompson’s reforms, including the reviews of old convictions, within a culture that did not always welcome them.

In addition to his commitment to expanding on Mr. Thompson’s initiatives, Mr. Gonzalez understands the world beyond Brooklyn, and the priorities of a modern prosecutor. He has aggressively pursued gun traffickers ferrying illegal weapons into New York from the South, and he has enlisted immigration lawyersto help protect undocumented immigrants from being deported over small offenses.


Eric Gonzalez

He supports reform of the city’s cash-bail system, which unfairly punishes poor people who can’t afford to buy their freedom before trial. In a memo in April, Mr. Gonzalez ordered prosecutors to consider whether bail was necessary in cases involving misdemeanor offenses. “Bail makes no sense” in most of these cases, he wrote.

Mr. Gonzalez was raised in East New York, one of the city’s poorest and most crime-ridden neighborhoods, during the 1980s crack epidemic. He still lives nearby, giving him an intimate perspective on the distrust so many in minority groups understandably feel toward law enforcement. He would be the first Latino elected to this office, a strong message in a borough where minorities make up much of the population.

His rivals all have impressive credentials. Ama Dwimoh, Anne Swern, Marc Fliedner and Patricia Gatling are, like Mr. Gonzalez, veterans of the Brooklyn office. Ms. Dwimoh emphasizes the need to rebuild trust with underserved and over-policed communities, and would establish new bureaus for crimes against vulnerable groups, like children and the elderly. Ms. Swern, who has served as managing counsel of the Brooklyn Defenders, is a strong advocate of alternatives to incarceration. She supports greater police transparency and accountability, as does Mr. Fliedner, who would dedicate a bureau to police misconduct cases. Ms. Gatling, who led the New York City Commission on Human Rights for more than a decade, would create an ombudsman’s office to handle complaints about prosecutors from the public. Vincent Gentile, a 14-year member of the City Council, says his lawmaking experience would help when seeking budget increases or changes to penal law. These are all powerful ideas the next district attorney should consider.

Because all six candidates are Democrats, instead of fights about ideology, they have been battling over who best represents a break with the now-discredited Hynes era. But Ken Thompson represented that break and he changed the terms of the debate. This race is really about who will most effectively continue the Thompson era. Mr. Gonzalez has made the strongest case, and he is our choice.

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