At a meet and greet for Congress Member Lee Zeldin on Sunday morning Oct. 23, 2022, hosted by the Beth Gavriel Community Center and the Bukharian Jewish Link, former AM Dov Hikind endorsed the NYS gubernatorial candidate. Thanks to Vlad Mosheyev for organizing, Michael Fragin for being a stellar strategist and Arie Lipnick from the campaign for their efforts. Remarks were delivered by publisher Yaakov Serle, shul president Ilya Koptiev, and real estate investor and developer Shalom Zirkiev. Kudos to Avraham Pinkhasov of QBSP-Shmira for safety protections and Rabbi Akiva Rutenberg of Emet Outreach and Rabbi Yaniv Meirov of Chazaq for their encouragement.
- March 14, 2025