7:54 am The social workers never called me back from JPS Hospital about my crisis.
12:55 pm Issues with uploads and the services were not in the paperwork I was given.The last time I asked for help at JPS, and games. https://youtu.be/qgTyLBTjMgg?si=5GVhPAguQA0-ADNh
Domestic Violence Rally shutdown
https://youtu.be/z0FH3pxLqjQ?si=lmT4RxHl-LPMCIQ2 No help was given at the Domestic Violence Rally, they gave me 1 referral for help at The Salvation Army Homeless Shelter. The location that schemed with the police to take my freedom, and It was not for a location that helps with domestic abuse. https://youtu.be/Kt3KcB5-ztA?si=GcbHXTjp5XO1TIs2 Police deny all law enforcement and will not investigate dozens of false reports, hundreds if you include cyber bullying and false statements online.
Texas Women’s Center intimidation and removed by security for recording the representative sabotaging services. If police do not want to incriminate themselves they enlist security.
https://youtube.com/shorts/F4WKWixK_W8?si=b6oVvTsc_93Arjy3 The representative said they couldn’t offer case management when I was not recording then lied about it.
One Safe Place sabotaged services, then police came out of the shadows, intimidating, and then later detained me when I got away from witnesses and was not recording.
New Beginnings Domestic Violence Organization Garland TX sabotaged service then I was interrupted by police. https://youtu.be/q-b1YcMOzi0?si=4mS2abNafEkeVD3p I was later intimidated and then forced to leave by police. The time before that I was assaulted and arrested attending a domestic violence support group. Garland Internal Affairs tampers with evidence and does not investigate misconduct.
The Family Place called security, intimidation, and slandered to validate their reasoning for denying me assistance for years.
P1 https://youtu.be/23dDGAnlySs?si=kYDVUzUCvyPB1Fp3
Bullying by security.
P2 https://youtu.be/o8l2yCYFBWg?si=eJBK7VReQRq6YIiH
***Section 241 makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in the United States in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States or because of his or her having exercised such a right.
Unlike most conspiracy statutes, §241 does not require, as an element, the commission of an overt act.
**”The offense is always a felony, even if the underlying conduct would not, on its own, establish a felony violation of another criminal civil rights statute. It is punishable by up to ten years imprisonment unless the government proves an aggravating factor (such as that the offense involved kidnapping aggravated sexual abuse, or resulted in death) in which case it may be punished by up to life imprisonment and, if death results, may be eligible for the death penalty.
Section 241 is used in Law Enforcement Misconduct and Hate Crime Prosecutions. It was historically used, before conspiracy-specific trafficking statutes were adopted, in Human Trafficking prosecutions.
18 U.S.C. § 242
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
This provision makes it a crime for someone acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. It is not necessary that the offense be motivated by racial bias or by any other animus.
Defendants act under color of law when they wield power vested by a government entity. Those prosecuted under the statute typically include police officers, sheriff’s deputies, and prison guards. However other government actors, such as judges, district attorneys, other public officials, and public school employees can also act under color of law and can be prosecuted under this statute.
Section 242 does not criminalize any particular type of abusive conduct. Instead, it incorporates by reference rights defined by the Constitution, federal statutes, and interpretive case law. Cases charged by federal prosecutors most often involve physical or sexual assaults. The Department has also prosecuted public officials for thefts, false arrests, evidence-planting,***” and failing to protect someone in custody from constitutional violations committed by others. *****A violation of the statute is a misdemeanor, unless prosecutors prove one of the statutory aggravating factors such as a bodily injury, use of a dangerous weapon, kidnapping, aggravated sexual abuse, death resulting, or attempt to kill, in which case there are graduated penalties up to and including life in prison or death. If charged in conjunction with 18 U.S.C. § 250, as noted below, all sexual assaults under color of law are felonies.