Paul Schachter & Bruce Dean have separately filed police complaints against VicPD over corruption; though Dean’s complaint alleges criminal conspiracy involving; but not limited to; VicPD, Saanich PD, BC RCMP, City of Victoria, District of Saanich, BC Housing, Technical Safety BC, Saanich Fire & WorkSafeBC.
Police Complaint Agency Exposed As Fraud
News Now Victoria (Not So Silent)
Documenting and Exposing the West Shore RCMP *MUST SEE!*
News Now Victoria (Not So Silent)
I was there with Mikey the night he was murdered; filmed a cop go for his gun on Mikey; then hours later Mikey is shot dead and there is NO MENTION of police or the BC IIO investigation; in spite of Mikey being in custody hours before his killing!?
Last Night of Mikey : VicPD Connected to Killing of Michael Henning & Theft of Harley Davidson? (- UPDATE SOON -)
How Many Saanich Police is Too Many Saanich Police?
UNDER ATTACK Part 1: Road Rage Hit & Run Vehicular Assault Privacy Violation EMS Oak Bay Police
UNDER ATTACK Part 2: Drunk & Angry Dog Abuser Assault (short version) Saanich PD & SPCA Evidence
Link to my Twitter Cycling Account:
All Ages Ability Cycling
Link to my Main Twitter Account:
Bruce Dean 🚲 Right-Of-Way-aholic 🤬
Bottle Depot Karens Call The Cops
My Cycling & eBike YouTube Channel
eChopper Cycling Rights Bicycle Life Activist
NEW GoFundMe
The only way I have a chance of beating these two terminal cancers is with increased funding so that I can access the treatments needed, and by maintaining a good level of physical and mental health.
…additionally, my life must have continued purpose, and for that, I need funding to maintain my Social Justice activism, street outreach and cop watch work; desperately needed on the frontlines of homelessness and for my heart and soul.
Still unable to compensate my daughter and her mother for expenses they incur helping keep me fed, medicated and housed …and they’ll be stuck with the cost of burying me.
Please help keep me fed and housed, living a life with purpose; giving me reason to keep enduring the pain I am forced to live in.
The GoFundMe linked here provides details of my Outreach and Cop Watch work I perform, and more details about my multiple conditions; a perfect storm of deadly and painful illnesses.
#SocialHousingCrisis #SocialHousing #Housing #Poverty #BasicIncome #PolicingPoverty #poLIcE #MentalHealth #Militarized #SWAT #Canine #FlashBang #Drone #Saanich #DistrictOfSaanich #weapons #guns #yyj #yyjpoli #bcpoli #DavidEby #NDP #ethics #conduct #code #CodeOfConduct #CodeOfEthics #PoliceCode #PoliceAct #JusticeReform #CapitalBike