Hi Andrea continue to report in your Police Department and Embassy the fraudulent city of Gorizia city’s areas marked by laboratories of FALSE HISTORICAL and Mafia Molds lab’s in Lucinico Madonnina del Fante Campagnuzza Sant’Andrea Savogna d’isonzo Sant’Anna San Rocco Straciss Piedimonte for use all of US whit a limited register of 81 gipsy families of poor people fake nature parasite of animals dog hen rooster wolf and various of things color and letter, illiterates whitout qualifications school education fake lab’s of dog’s , body trap’s ( yours holes syringe needle heroin aboard tattoo blood of rapist ) murders and thieves of art 79 families of Gorizia 1 family ex Madonnina del Fante 1 bartender of Lucinico in Treviso. Half of those gypsies he can’t speak italian language does not know how to use a mobile and computer. He has never worked and driven a car , never married divorced, live for damage all the categories arts industries as block of art for do not walk see speak and learn write use mobile computer and video game system play tennis 🎾 drive and work have a sex relationship other to that receptive matter urban network planning and various of animals mutilated doped. SaturnR120@email.com Princi Andrea



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