EDITORS NOTE FROM POPEYE: I know Stephanie personally and I can tell you she would not make this kind of thing up and would not come out publicly about it if it were not true. I have witnessed the retaliation she had received from the former Mayor Myron Rosner for calling him to task and now she is getting the same type of treatment from certain police officers. Not all the police officers in North Miami Beach are bad, there are many good men and women on the force, but there are police officers that act less than civil (to say the least) and they don’t like being called to task by a local blogger or any residents, god forbid they use their first amendment right to state facts about the budget reality of the city. That’s right folks, this all stems down to budget cuts. The City Council, Mayor George Vallego, and the City Manager have had to propose cuts in the police dept because the police union would not budge on anything, but did do everything in it’s power to provoke it’s membership into a fear filed frenzy about the evil people of the city taking their jobs. The fact is since 9/11 the push to militarize local police departments around the country and the bullshit war on terror lead to cities making the police departments too big to be financially stable and inevitably cuts must be made. Police don’t have the right or power to use their position to intimidate anyone for any reason and when they do, they need to be called out on it and punished.

READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: http://www.federaljack.com/?p=109464

