Several prosecutors forced out of Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes’ office for serious infractions — from racist rants against fellow staffers to threatening subordinates — are gearing up for key positions under presumptive DA-elect Kenneth Thompson after helping him to a primary win against the 24-year incumbent, The Post has learned.
Ama Dwimoh, 49, who ran the Crimes Against Children Bureau before a 2010 internal investigation revealed she screamed at interns, threatened subordinates and allegedly fudged her time sheets, is expected to be a top Thompson chief, two sources close to the incoming DA told The Post.
“The thought of him bringing Ama Dwimoh in to run things is just too much,” said one current Brooklyn prosecutor.
Other prosecutors said putting Dwimoh in a top post would be “disastrous.”
Young prosecutors who worked under Dwimoh told investigators, “She dressed them down in front of other people,” and “She was a lunatic,” a law-enforcement source said.
After Dwimoh was accused of abusive behavior, Hynes’ office conducted an internal review.
“People said she was never here when you need her, she’s never around, so her time sheets were checked and they didn’t jibe with the swiping of her cards,” said a Hynes senior staffer.
Dwimoh was one of the first to encourage Thompson to run against Hynes, said a second prosecutor, who supported Thompson’s campaign.
“Perhaps she was harsher than she should have been in certain instances, but she deserved better from Hynes,” said the ADA.
Dwimoh didn’t return a call for comment. A Thompson spokesman declined to comment.
There are two other Hynes castoffs who advised Thompson in his successful campaign and are expected to be part of his new regime.
Former gang bureau chief Deanna Rodriguez, who sources said was dismissed for racist and homophobic outbursts, attended multiple Thompson campaign events.
Rodriguez was axed in June for allegedly using homophobic language and calling a top Hynes staffer, Lance Ogiste, who is black, “the head n—-r,” sources with knowledge of the investigation told The Post.
Rodriguez also allegedly used terms including “faggot” and “dyke” to insult interns, paralegals and assistant DAs, a source said.
And former homicide prosecutor Rupert Barry — who was fired after earning poor evaluations — is also reportedly being considered for a top staff spot.
One source said Barry was purged this year because he was seen as someone who would aid Thompson from within.
“He’s been advising Ken, giving him advice on strategy,” a source said.
Meanwhile, the majority of Hynes’ senior staff are expected to bow out rather than wait for the axe.
“Twenty senior executives will resign before they are asked to leave,” predicted one staffer.
Thompson plans to purge all Hynes’ executive staff who remain past New Year’s Eve, plus prosecutors who live outside the state, said a source close to Thompson.